Saturday, September 29, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane!!!

We made it to Germany!! When I envisioned this trip, I thought we'd have access to the 'net all the time and I could update this every day. But that's not the case or hasn't been. We may have it now in the evenings anyway.
   We've had a great trip so far. One interesting observation, why would anyone in their "right" mind rent a car to people that don't know the language, don't know the country, and reading a map of a different country. By now, Mearl is doing well with the car (a stick shift) and I am much more in touch with the map. The GPS is working better for us. This all was an experience.
   The really interesting experience is meeting people. The people we've met have been really great. We've met with several people since Wednesday. They give us a lot of time, interested in what we're doing and help in any way they can. We went to one genealogy office, a lot of books, extensive card file, and a lot of files that had letters in them from people that were looking for other family members. Very interesting!!! We didn't find anything of value there though.
   We stayed with an older gentlemen (Ernst Neff) for two nights. His home was in the village of Weierhof, Germany. He reminded me a lot of my Dad. He lives alone but in a home connected to a daughter's (which was his homestead.) Somewhat similar to Amish parents homes. Weierhof had a library and the man we met there was great (Gary Waltner). He helped us with Mearl's cell phone, our GPS, and suggested people we contact also.  Both Gary and Ernst learned German and English in their schools. Gary is from SD and lived in a German community so learned German. Ernst was from Germany and learned English.
  I am having trouble with the internet. I will close for this time. Thanks for your notes and I'll include some pictures tomorrow evening if I can. I've taken probably 400 pics so far. I know you don't want to see all of them, but I'll include a few!!!
  Thanks for journeying with us!!

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